Nail fungus is a dermatological disease that affects more than 20% of humans and causes not only aesthetic harm, but can also cause problems with human health and immunity.
It is characterized by changes in the color of the nail plate, deformation and collapse, in medicine this pathology is called onychomycosis. Infection occurs when a fungus of the dermatophyte class gets under healthy toenails. It quickly multiplies, damages soft tissues and forms spots on nails of white and yellow color, which in turn triggers deformation and death of nails. When one nail is affected, with improper treatment, the fungus is transferred to a healthy surface. All this brings great discomfort to one’s life. In this article, we will understand the causes, symptoms, how to cure such a fungus and, most importantly, how to prevent this unpleasant disease.
Causes of toenail fungus
The main reason for the appearance of fungi is a weakened human immune system. When the body’s protective functions are not functioning properly, the risk of infection with infections, viruses and bacteria increases significantly. Fungus on the toes appears more often than on the hands, due to high humidity and lack of necessary air circulation.
Also at high risk are:
- People who lack hygiene. Do not allow heavy sweating on the feet, wet and dirty socks, walk barefoot without slippers;
- People with pathology of internal organs and blood vessels, HIV carriers. Diabetes mellitus and blood clots in the veins cause poor blood circulation in the legs;
- People who ignore tight and uncomfortable shoes. Even small corns, micro cracks and calluses on the feet can trigger a fungal infection;
- People in the period of hormonal changes in the body, the elderly;
- People who try on shoes in the store without disposable socks. After all, there is a danger that someone infected with the fungus tries on these shoes before you.
Fungal infections prefer a moist, warm environment, as well as open wounds and abrasions where it can multiply instantly.
Public places such as hotels, gyms, swimming pools, dressing rooms, showers and saunas are favorite homes of fungal infections. If a person likes to walk barefoot there, the risk of infection is one hundred percent. Keep in mind that fungal infections are contagious and are easily spread through household means or through contact with a person.
Stages and symptoms of the fungus
Unfortunately, the fungus is a fast -growing infection. Like the root of a tree, it grows under a person’s skin, destroying tissues and surfaces. Usually, the fungus begins its activity with the little finger or thumb, eventually affecting all nails.
In general, there are early, moderate and advanced stages, but we will understand a little more about the course of the disease using medical terms:
- Stage of infection - the fungus attaches to pieces of dead skin, eventually creeping up to the nail plate. Not accompanied by any symptoms;
- Normotropic stage - the natural color of the nail fades and becomes yellow at the edges, thickening towards the corners. Small white lines or dots may appear. There is a certain odor and discomfort;
- Hypertrophic stage - the nails become completely yellow, deformed, the surface is untidy and streaked. In most cases, the whole plate of the nail thickens, and the edge itself becomes loose and flaky;
- Atrophic stage - yellow or dull gray nails. Cut nails fall off, nail beds have an unhealthy appearance, loose surface;
- Stage - onycholysis - the entire nail plate becomes very thin and subsequently disappears. The fungus can migrate to neighboring nails that are still healthy.
The skin around the nail itself is usually red and flaky. The patient noted itching between the fingers, cracks were observed, accompanied by pain. Often, in the last stage, the fungus, getting into the nail bed, dies under the influence of immunity. But if the body’s protective function becomes weak or treatment is not done, blood poisoning can occur.
Types of fungi
The most popular among the causative agents of onychomycosis are fungi - dermatophytes. They affect more than 85% of infections. And, therefore, Candida class fungi (yeast) and mold fungi are less common among pathogens. Also, sometimes there are cases of nail infections with several types at once.
Let's take a closer look at each type.
Fungal Dermatophytes
There are many types of this fungus. They are popular because they can adapt to any microclimate. Living in ground cover, it easily infects animals and humans through direct contact on the surface, as well as through "carrier and infected" contact. However, this type of infection is rare, and usually the disease is preceded by several factors.
The most well -known types of dermatophytes:
- Trichophyton rubrum - first infects the tip of the nail, then smoothly reaches the base. Nails are damaged, become yellow, thick and dull. The surrounding skin is unusually dry, red and flaky;
- Trichophyton mentagrophytes are major lovers of humid and warm microclimates. They are usually infected in public places, such as baths, swimming pools and saunas. Often causes damage to the big toe and surrounding area. The skin becomes inflamed, itchy, and inflamed bumps form.
It is difficult to cure a fungus that has successfully reached the base of the nail plate. In this case, most likely there will be a complete loss.
Candida fungi
Yeast or Candida is present in normal amounts in everyone’s body but, under some triggers, can multiply rapidly and cause disease.
Especially common to women. Because most of them have to deal with diseases like thrush during their lifetime, which is provoked by certain types of fungi of this Candida class.
In cases where Candida appears on the nails, it can be safely assumed that the infection occurred domestically, through certain items once used by the infected person (towels, wipes, shoes). And it is formed, unlike dermatophytes, initially at the base and most often found on fingernails.
mushroom mold
The most dangerous type of fungus. It is capable of harming not only the skin, but also quickly affecting the whole body.
Infection occurs due to destruction of the nail, exposure of the nail bed. The good news is that this type of fungal infection occurs in very rare cases. But if this still happens, it is very difficult to treat with conventional medicine and requires special treatment for mold on the nails.
Since the external symptoms of nail fungus can be similar to other diseases (such as lichen, psoriasis, keratoderma), to confirm the diagnosis of fungal infections and determine the pathogen, doctors prescribe such studies:
- Nail plate microscopy - laboratory assistants make scrapers from nails and treat them with special materials to destroy keratin. This procedure is needed for easier and more accurate observation under a microscope. There are also drawbacks to this analysis. With its help, it is impossible to determine the type of pathogenic fungus. Based on the results obtained, antimycotic action is widely prescribed;
- Type of culture study - in the laboratory, material obtained from nail scraping is dipped for cultivation in Sabouraud’s nutrient medium, where the fungus grows rapidly. The fungus is determined by its growth rate, color and shape of its colonies. Also, using this method, the sensitivity of the antibody to treat the drug is determined. The disadvantage is that the results of the analysis must be expected for 3-5 days;
- The purpose of DNA diagnostics - nail scraping is studied for the presence of DNA cells in them fungal infections of the class of dermatophytes or yeast. The most dangerous types of mold fungi cannot be determined by this method. The diagnostic results are completed after 1-2 days, and the disadvantage is the high price of the method due to the use of special devices.
Methods of Treatment
If you are wondering which doctor to contact for such a disease, there is only one answer - you need a dermatologist.
In the early stages, if it is possible to identify the infection immediately, external treatment will suffice. But if the infection is not detected immediately and the visit to the doctor is delayed for a long time, more serious complex therapy will be needed. In cases of particularly severe disease, the nail plate is removed. Sometimes treatment is delayed for six months, to avoid this, we strongly recommend that you pay attention to the disturbing symptoms in a timely manner and immediately seek help from a specialist.
What type of treatment you need will be determined through diagnostics, as it is important to determine which fungus the infection is occurring. Drugs in the treatment of toenail fungus are divided into 2 groups:
- Preparations with local action - this group includes therapeutic ointments, creams, varnishes and gels. Usually they are used in the early stages of treatment, when the disease is detected in a timely manner;
- Antimycotics are antifungal drugs with systemic effects, which are used orally. Available in tablet and capsule form that can eliminate fungal activity. They have the ability to prevent the spread of mycosis, have a long -term effect, which prevents the recurrence of the disease again.
This group of drugs can be prescribed individually, or perhaps a complex means of therapy, depending on the nature and severity of the infection.
The doctor also gives additional recommendations:
- Use only personal hygiene products and household items (wipes, towels, dishes, etc. );
- Follow a personal diet prescribed by a doctor;
- Treat and ventilate shoes so that during the treatment of the fungus does not create a favorable environment for reproduction;
- Make sure you take complex vitamins to strengthen the immune system. during and after treatment.
Antifungal ointment
In the treatment of toenail fungus, it is important to use topical preparations, only in cases where the lesion is not serious and occupies less than half of the nail plate. Or in the case of individual intolerance to systemic drug components. After all, medications such as antifungal ointments do not penetrate enough tissues, and therefore do not have the ability to cure a person effectively and completely. But as additional therapies for external symptom relief and prevention, they are great.
Keep in mind that initially, the affected part of the nail is cut and then not only the nail, but also the soft tissue, the area around it should be treated with ointment.
Local therapy will be effective with the participation of such drugs for toenail fungus:
- Hypoallergenic drugs with minimal side effects, well accepted by the body. This composition contains non -toxic components such as polyene antibiotics (a group of polyene tetraene). The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected area, usually within 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the stage of the disease;
- Preparations that are able to penetrate deep into the skin have a storage effect. Use also in a thin layer, on the affected dry area. This course is at least two months.
Special varnish
Nail polish for toenail fungus is the easiest way to use, but is also suitable only in the early stages of a fungal infection. You should use it only two to three times a week, applying on the affected nails. The following are examples of proven and effective varnishes:
- The active component of the varnish is a morphine derivative, which can quickly destroy up to 10 types of infectious agents, destroying them at the cellular level. The drug is applied, pre-steaming the nail, in the course until complete remission;
- The active ingredient of the varnish is able to destroy 58 types of fungal pathogens. The course of treatment is 3 months, with a gradual decrease in the frequency of application per week (the first month the varnish is applied daily, then twice a week and in the last stage only once a week).
Folk remedies cope with the symptoms of fungal infections well, but they only work in combination with medications.
There are many natural components, natural remedies and treatment methods that do not require large expenditures. It can be a variety of herbs, potassium permanganate, iodine and vinegar for baths, solutions, tea trees and eucalyptus oil. But because nail fungus is a complex and long -term disease, it also requires the approval of your dermatologist. After all, there is a great risk of allowing complications and subsequent loss of nails completely and permanently.
Often, to relieve symptoms, the following alternative methods are recommended:
- Rub garlic on the affected nail area;
- Soar feet in water with washing powder;
- Lotion with baking soda, diluted with water (to achieve a thick consistency and apply on nails for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water);
- Invest in herbal stockings such as: nettle, mint, chamomile, sage, propolis (change the contents of the stockings daily).
We will find out other folk methods in more detail below.
Vinegar bath
Vinegar bath is one of the best folk remedies for toenail fungus.
Apple cider vinegar and wine vinegar are perfect for the recipe. At the same time, it is important to observe the correct proportions and use only natural products, without any chemical additives.
- Recipe #1: Soak your feet once or twice with water mixed with apple cider vinegar in a one -to -one ratio. The duration of the procedure is about 20 minutes, and it is better to stretch the course of treatment for 2 weeks with a daily bath;
- Recipe number 2: Dilute 5 tablespoons of 9% wine vinegar in 2 liters of hot water. Steam your feet for at least 30 minutes, and then clean the soft stratum corneum on the nail plate with a stick. After that, it is recommended to immediately apply an antifungal agent. Stretch the course of the procedure for a month, using a bath daily, and preferably 2 times a day.
The essential oil
An effective antifungal agent obtained by pressing the oil from the leaves of the tea plant. It is used around the world for the treatment of other pathologies, in the form of acne, scratches and abrasions. Recommended for use in the following ways:
- Steam your feet and lubricate the affected skin and nail areas with tea tree oil in an amount of five to ten drops, using a cotton swab. No need to rinse. Course of procedure: 3 times a day, at least two weeks;
- Add 5-10 drops of oil into a liter of hot water and keep your feet in such a bath for about half an hour. This course can last for 2 months.
Tea tree oil is not recommended for pregnant women.
Iodine treatment
The most famous and cheapest method recommended by dermatologists around the world. The secret of this tool is that iodine has the ability to fold proteins. And as we know, pathogens have a protein structure, because they feed on keratin - a type of fibrillar protein.
How to treat feet with iodine?
- Method number 1:
Apply one drop of 5% iodine solution on the affected nails 2 times a day and once a day on healthy and adjacent nails. After about a week, a painful sensation in the form of a burning sensation will appear, this means that the destruction of fungal pathogens has begun. The course of treatment may exceed one month, until complete recovery;
- Method number 2:
Steam your feet in a bathtub with hot water, soda and salt for 30 minutes (1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of soda, 2 tablespoons of salt). Remove the keratin area with scissors and dry your feet. Then apply 3 coats of iodine solution to each affected nail area (apply 1 coat, wait until it is completely dry and apply the next). Course of procedure: 1 time a day for a month.
Children can be exposed to nail fungus
As you might have guessed, diseases like toenail fungus can develop not only in adults, but also in children.
Children can take fungal agents anywhere. Infected through contact with an already infected person, through domestic cases of non -compliance with hygiene, which we examined above, or when injured with dirt getting into the wound, which can develop later as an infection.
In children, nail fungus can easily affect one or more fingers and toes. The first symptoms appear as small white or yellow spots on the nails. The infection can occur slowly, eventually spreading to the rest of the nail and changing color completely. In addition, there is deformation of the nail plate and collapse of the nail, accompanied by unbearable pain.
Symptoms of nail fungus in children
Let's take a closer look at the symptoms of nail fungus infection in children:
- There is a thickening of the nail plate;
- Deformation of the nail, accompanied by its fragility;
- In appearance, the nails become dull, weak, without a natural shine;
- If the fungus is actively developing its vital activity under the nail, the nail plate may become dirty brown, green or yellow;
- With complications of the disease, an unpleasant odor is emitted from the nails.
Causes of nail fungus in children
The cause of infection, as in adults, mainly lies in the defeat of parasites - dermatophyte fungi. This type of fungus likes warm and humid environments and is found in large numbers in public places such as showers, baths and pools, where it is easily picked up. Nail beds are a comfortable habitat for such parasites, where they can also pass through invisible wounds.
Children are more often at risk of infection because their immune systems are not yet strong enough and because they ignore hygiene rules.
Treatment of nail fungus in children
Treatment methods for nail fungus in children are usually not much different from the same fungal treatment in adults. It is recommended to pay attention to the symptoms in a timely manner and consult a doctor to obtain a prescription for medications. It is better to use topical creams, ointments and varnishes, but their effectiveness in the development of infections will be very small. Therefore, medications for oral use are often attached to treatment. Such systemic recovery should be taken for a long time, until a healthy nail completely replaces the infected one. However, the drug has some side effects, which can manifest themselves in the form of skin rashes, damage to internal organs. It is forbidden to use it for children with liver pathology, heart problems. But all of these are individual, so it is very important not to self -medicate and find a qualified dermatologist.
In general, treating fungal nail disease in children is not as difficult as preventing it. To do this, it is desirable to talk to children more often about the rules of hygiene.
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